The Crew
We have four helper dogs that all have different roles.
Papa 14 year old standard Aussie, is great with puppies, he is patient, but gives gentle corrections when needed. He is a great neutral dog for our reactive dogs.
Scooby 9 year old American Pitbull, is great with shy puppies who needs to build a confidence as he lets them get away with murder. A puppy can do no wrong, and he never corrects them, the wilder
they are the better is his motto. He is a great neutral dog and greeter dog and teaches a lot of unsocialized teenage dogs how to play, and interact with his patient attitude.
Astrid 5 year old Mini Aussie, Astrid we break out for the rude puppies, puppies that has no boundaries or manners around other dogs. Astrid is a strict lady who does gentle but precise corrections.
Artemis 2 year old Border Collie, she is excellent with small and shy puppies, she has very gentle manners and a lot of patience. Her gentle coaxing and self handicapping gets a lot of puppy mill rescues out of their shells. She also works the rude puppies but is not as consistent in correcting them like Astrid is.